Antiplagiarism for Business

Antiplagiarism for Business is the subscription option addressed to all entities that need regular checking of texts, or to check a large number of texts.

The offer is prepared for any institution that wants to take care of the originality of content.

Antiplagiarism System

The Antyplagiat System allows to compare a text with the resources of the most extensive database on the Polish market. The system is based on the Antiplagiarism System engine. It has access to the resources of the global Internet, Legal Acts Database containing updated normative acts in force in Poland; RefBooks containing more than one million documents mainly in English and Polish texts from all fields of science and culture. The result of the analysis is prepared as a transparent report containing information about borrowings detected in the analyzed text. Antyplagiat system meets all standards of privacy and confidentiality of data under applicable law, and its effectiveness has been proven by hundreds of customers..

Antiplagiarism Monitoring

The Antiplagiarism Monitoring is a service of controlling who fraudulently uses the texts of the customer. The customer receives two reports, which indicates a list of web addresses, on which unauthorized borrowings have been found. The service also provides a copy of the website, for which the Comparison Report was generated and information about the frequency and scale of the borrowings in the form of images and statistical document.


BookWatch is an anti-piracy monitoring service prepared for all publishers and copyright owners of published content.
The idea of BookWatch is to search the Internet for unauthorized files. The service provides the ability to quickly block access to them by removing the link enabling the download. The effects of the monitoring are provided in the form of reports containing information about the websites, which were detected to be illegally sharing files with links (URLs) leading to the named files. The service also provides the ability to quickly block access to them by removing the link to the file

Document Comparison

Document’s Comparison is a comparison of two or more text documents available in both electronic and printed forms.

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